Please click the Donate button below to help fund our building!1. Sonny’s will work directly with the local non-profit ministry leaders in the community and provide them with items for free or nearly free for their clients who are obtaining housing, or who might need a coat, work boots, clothing, etc. on short notice.
2. Sonny’s will offer trade on gently used items to the general public. For example – if a mom comes in to Sonny’s and brings in her newborn clothing that her infant grew out of – Sonny’s will trade her gently used newborn clothing for the next larger size she needs; OR if a career man or woman brings in their gently used professional clothing – Sonny’s will offer some store credit so he/she could get some “new to them” items.
3. Sonny’s will offer a space for healing art, bible journaling, community art classes, a weekly coffee and color fellowship hour, tea parties for all ages and bible studies for men and women and offer a community room for rent for baby or bridal showers etc.
4. Sonny’s will invite students from local high schools, the Enrichment Center, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, the Boy/Girl Scouts, and any other organization to sort, fold, hang clothing, organize donations to earn necessary community service hours for graduation and learn important work experience by volunteering in the store.
5. Sonny’s will carry Maternity Clothing, School Uniforms and Hospital Scrubs for trade or purchase.